Friday, December 11, 2009

The Mess is playing at the Bonehaus tomorrow!

Yeah, playing at the bonehaus for the Bard College kids...

Since I haven't heard from most of the bands I've contacted to post stuff, I'm gonna toss out another bone from my personal archives. This is the first Willbreaker demo, and to date my favorite recording I've ever been on.
The back story goes something like this: About a year after Say You Hate Me broke up, Dave, Jeff and I, (three of the 4 members of the last SYHM line-up) decided to put something together. Dave and Bernie (also a member of the SYHM classic line-up) lived together at the time and as we were loading up stuff to go play on SUNY New Paltz campus for our first practice Bernie says "Can I be in the band too?" So the 4 of us headed over and started to make some noise. Jeff dropped out and Bernie added metal virtuoso and soon to be new-band old-guy Jake to the line-up. Jake's try-out went something like this: Can you make your bass sound like a rocket? VROOOOOOSH. You're in.
I'm rambling. We practiced for a few months and came up with these songs, "Achieve" being an old SYHM song, and then we went to Coney Island and recorded with Don Fury. I thought this demo killed, and I sent it out EVERYWHERE. I sent copies on tour with XfilesX. I gave them out to prominent label dudes at Positive Numbers Fest... I never heard a lick of feedback.
At the recording session, Dave and Don got into a nasty argument about a half second of feedback that started the track. They made up and sat together when we rode the Cyclone. Anyway, here it is, decide for yourself.

Willbreaker- Don Fury Demo

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